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Event occurred on: 6-21-2022 to 6-24-2022

The Society for Corporate Governance’s National Conference

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Freshfields lawyers Elizabeth Bieber and Mena Kaplan will speak at The Society for Corporate Governance’s National Conference on “Recent Delaware Happenings” on June 23rd at 3:00PM and “AI Ethics, Governance and Bias” on June 24th at 9:30AM, respectively.

The Society’s National Conference is developed for corporate secretaries, general counsels, outside counsel and other governance professionals at public and private companies of all sizes. The Conference will cover best practices for how to collect and report ESG data, how to conduct your virtual or in person annual meeting, how to disclose risk factors on the Ukraine war or cybersecurity threats, or how to orient new directors, just to name a few.

6-21-2022 to 6-24-2022

Event Location

Chicago Hilton
720 S Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL

Freshfields speakers

Elizabeth K. Bieber

Partner, Freshfields

See profile >

Menachem Kaplan

Partner, Freshfields

See profile >