Regulatory and compliance advisory
Anti-money laundering
As rules have got stricter and enforcement more stringent, anti-money-laundering (AML) has emerged as one of the most significant risks for financial institutions, and a growing risk for non-financial services companies.
AML is becoming a priority for regulators across the world, just as whistleblowers gain greater protection, credibility and confidence. The range of AML risks is broadening to include prudential regulation, criminal enforcement and a potential tsunami of third-party follow-on litigation. Where AML difficulties were once mostly confined to a single jurisdiction, authorities’ extra-territorial reach means problems can now snowball across multiple borders.
Freshfields has deep experience across the full spectrum of AML risks, including third-party litigation and criminal defence. We provide our clients with a coherent worldwide defence and communication strategy, fast.
Our comprehensive understanding of AML risks comes from hands-on work such as putting in place and monitoring know your customer (KYC), customer due diligence (CDD) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) processes. We understand how the solutions and policies suggested by the UK Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), for example, are implemented by governments. And we negotiate with national and international regulators across the world.
With a single integrated global AML team, nobody is better placed to navigate the risks and achieve the best outcomes.
Related capabilities
- Administrative and public law
- Anti-bribery and corruption
- Anti-money laundering
- Antitrust and competition
- Data, privacy and cybersecurity
- Defence and export controls
- Financial services regulatory
- Foreign direct investment regulation
- International trade
- Regulatory and public affairs
- Sanctions and geopolitical risk
- State aid
View our full team
Emma Rachmaninov Partner
Dr. Alexander Glos Partner & Co-Head Financial Institutions Group
Frankfurt am Main
Matthew O'Callaghan Partner
Hong Kong
David Sewell Partner & US Head of Financial Services Regulatory
New York