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Global Sponsorship Programme

Realising career aspirations

The Freshfields Global Sponsorship Programme (GSP) is a tailored learning and development opportunity carefully designed to give high-performing women the tools to navigate a broken ecosystem.

The flagship programme was established in 2015 with between 20 and 40 women participating annually. Many have progressed to senior roles at the firm. 
Global practice group leaders, in collaboration with our human resources team, nominate high-performing associates from across the world to join the programme, while also selecting a dedicated partner sponsor to work with them during the year. Selection is based on performance, leadership and potential, showing a true investment from both Freshfields leadership and the firm more widely. A panel with GSP alumni helps participants understand what to expect and how to get the most out of the opportunity.

Building a network

The sponsor-sponsee relationship is the core of the programme. Every successful participant is paired with a committed senior sponsor. Over 10-12 months they work on smart, targeted business planning, and providing the sponsee with development experiences to develop her unique brand. The sponsor opens doors, provides feedback and builds their sponsee’s network both inside the firm and externally with clients. The pairs continue to stay in touch after the programme ends, through both formal and informal avenues.  

Partner Theresa Ehlen was a GSP sponsee in cohort three and become a sponsor in cohort seven. She says the GSP is an opportunity to take a step back from day-to-day work to see the bigger picture. “It shines a spotlight on our female talent, showing them that we value and appreciate them – and believe in them! Helping women grow by expanding their skills, visibility and network, and providing guidance and transparency on their career path and challenges in a safe a space encourages talented women to take the next step.” 

In addition to support from sponsors, practical assistance helps the women to take charge of their career, including coaching sessions (with a choice of internal or external coaches), and a personalised learning and development programme, which give them the tools they need to reach their full potential. The wide range of guidance includes a RADA-led workshop on ‘owning the room’ with impact and gravitas, tips on building a LinkedIn profile, and a negotiation workshop led by an Oxford University professor. Recent additions include training on the importance of wellness, with advice on managing senior stakeholders and juniors, and safeguarding wellbeing in a high-pressure environment.

One of the GSP’s main outputs is a business plan for participants’ career journey, which helps women identify and move into a niche. Sessions help women understand the trends happening across different sectors and the firm’s strategy for the future, and how they can fit in.  
Feedback from previous cohorts informs the programme’s continuing evolution so we can include what is most important and valuable for participants. And, as the Programme matures, the sponsor-sponsee relationship has come full circle, with former participants joining as sponsors, providing an extra layer of insight.

Women are also encouraged to build long-lasting relationships with peers on the programme. These groups of five or six convene every few weeks to share advice on client work and issues discussed in the Programme. 

A safe space to advance careers

Participants highlight the importance of the opportunity to reflect on their strengths, advice on how to make the most of networking opportunities and deepen relationships with our clients, and colleagues.

Principal Associate Christina Banz says the “fantastic” programme offers a safe space to open up about obstacles women face in the legal industry. “The tools provided by the programme and my sponsor’s guidance helped me to actively develop my career. I have a much better understanding of the strategic goals of the firm and the process and steps involved in becoming a partner at Freshfields.”

Demystifying the journey to partnership is a significant part of the Programme, with guidance on interviews, desired partner attributes and an opportunity to answer questions.

But partnership is not the sole focus: participants hear from people who have pursued other careers internally and who have progressed to senior roles in-house with clients. High-profile clients offer insights on the importance of diversity, and how law firms and in-house legal teams can work together to achieve gender parity.

Helen Ouseley, Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion says: “The Global Sponsorship Programme is a great opportunity to shine a light on, and invest in, our talented women lawyers’ careers. It is always a delight to bring this group together with diverse insights, experiences and skills from around the world.”

The programme gives women the time and space to really think about their careers, agrees Rachel Brooks, Global Diversity and Inclusion Engagement Manager. Going forward, intersectionality will continue to be a focus, she adds: “We want to see more diverse women from a range of backgrounds taking part in future cohorts.”