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About Isabel Lightbody

Isabel is an Associate in the International Arbitration Group based in Frankfurt. She is qualified as a Solicitor in England & Wales.

Isabel advises clients on complex cross-border disputes, including commercial and investment arbitration, litigation, and advisory work.

She advises national and international clients from a variety of sectors, including pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, professional services, tech, energy and construction. She also advises States.

Isabel teaches English law at the Goethe University Frankfurt.

She speaks English, Dutch, German, and French.


Recent work

Isabel’s experience includes advising:

  • A major pharmaceutical company in post-M&A arbitration proceedings concerning development milestones related to personalised oncology treatments.
  • A major chemical company in post-M&A arbitration proceedings concerning the failed IPO of a joint venture company.
  • An Eastern European State in investor-State arbitration proceedings over investments in an oil refinery.
  • European investors in investor-State arbitration proceedings against a central-Asian State over investments in the cotton industry.
  • A Balkan State in investor-State arbitration proceedings relating to a port concession, where the State raised the illegality defence.
  • An Asian energy conglomerate in investor-State arbitration proceedings against a Eurasian State following political upheaval.
  • A Middle Eastern investor in proceedings against a European State concerning the failed development of a luxury golf resort.
  • An agrochemical company in arbitral proceedings commenced against it due to non-payment on the basis of sanctions.
  • A middle Eastern investor regarding the commencement of arbitral proceedings against a joint venture partner in a ride hailing company.



  • University of Law, UK (Master of Law, LPC LL.M.)
  • University of Birmingham, UK (Bachelor of Law, LL.B.)

Professional qualifications

  • Solicitor, England and Wales
  • Member of the bar of Frankfurt

Additional responsibilities

  • Lecturer (English law), Goethe University Frankfurt